PAY4ME provides a convenient platform to present and pay for bills. Multiple bills from various parties can be systematically consolidated and payment for these orchestrated using a central platform provided by Exchanger Ecurrency.
There are times you will see some downloadable or physical products you want to buy but no Credit Card or PayPal account to make such payment online. Or you may want to do registration for your exams abroad or pay for tuition using electronic means, we will help you do all these.
What of paying your suppliers abroad through PayPal or Credit Card and you don’t have any of them, we can provide solution to you. We have done it for so many specially Nigerians and worldwide successfully and they are happy clients.
How We Operate:
Go to any website you want to make payment online, get the link (URL) and email us with the link for us to ascertain what it will take to make payment there. We will get back to you with details.
However, if you want us to help you buy downloadable products like eBooks, software or online registration from ClickBank, Froogle, PayDotCom, Plimus, 2CheckOut, Foreign Universities, etc, we will charge you ($1.20 Perfectmoney per $1 PayPal or ₦180 per $1 PayPal). Minimum order is $5.
It means that if you want to order a product that will cost from $1 to $5, we will charge you for $5 Pay4Me Service.
NOTE: We don’t refund after a successful payment. We believed you have cross-checked the product to buy before asking us to make payment on your behalf. Prices above may change without prior notice.
Please contact us on
Phone: 08060918016

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